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Executive Director of Educational Non-Profit Organization

I wish you could have been flies on the wall for the lunch discussion after your workshop on Friday. At my table, I listened to a powerful discussion among our staff about how they were thinking about each child they served this past summer and what learning approaches truly engaged that child’s intelligence. It was an incredible discussion that was seeded by their engagement in and love of your (delicious!) multiple intelligences workshop.


Our greatest hope as an organization is that our staff is deeply engaged, curious, and continuously learning. Your session on multiple intelligences truly helped us to rise to this aspiration. Our staff felt valued as important educators in our kids’ lives, challenged (in a great way!) to think about differentiation, and equipped with new tools.


We are so grateful for both of your extraordinary trainings this past week, and we look eagerly forward to continuing our partnership in the months and years ahead.


Assistant Principal

I have spoken with a number of faculty members who participated in the Storytelling professional development strand this year and the feedback has been very positive. One teacher shared that the big take away for her this year was that stories add a personal touch to her lessons, which make curricular topics more interesting and meaningful to students. Stories also help students develop deeper and long-lasting connections to content…


A 4th grade teacher found immediate relevance for her students saying that the stories help topics “stick” with the kids. She loved using the multiplication ball story when teaching multi-digit multiplication, and then lining up from recess story when teaching subtraction. She found that when she acts excited about the story/lesson, the kids feed off of her energy.

Another teacher found that the course helped her reach and teach alternative learners in her math lessons. Rather than having to memorize the steps in solving different kinds of math problems, her students are able to visualize the story, which helps guide them through the process with less anxiety.


… [Y]our expertise and passion have enriched our learning community from teachers to students in immediate and impactful ways. We thank you for your efforts and look forward to continuing this relationship of learning and growth.



Library Director, Children's Services and Family Engagement

I wanted to give you an update on the puppet stage and the puppets. They are being used all of the time. Children are enjoying them so much that we have needed to wash them several times. It’s amazing how patron of all ages are playing with them from the little toddlers to the grandmas and grandpas that bring them. It’s great to see the kids put on shows for their parents, other adults and kids. The audience either sit on the desks, pull up chairs or sit on the floor to watch the puppet shows that the kids are putting on for them. It’s great to watch a family enjoy the space together. The older kids help the younger kids with the puppets and to tell the stories.


We definitely have some kids who are practicing to be directors and like to organize the others but everyone still has a lot of fun.


We have many groups visiting the department and we have incorporated the puppet stage into some of their down time. We make sure that all of the kids in the groups get change to use the puppets and the stage buy setting up a rotation that includes the puppets and the stage.


Lastly, we find puppets all over the department. Kids will find a puppet they really like and walk around with it during their visit.


Thank you so much for your gift. It has brought so much joy and pleasure to the kids who visit our department as well as their parents.

TriBraining, Inc.

teaching to reach different learners and learning styles

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